Sunday Sep 08, 2024
Sunday Sep 08, 2024
Join Erin and her guests, as they delve into what it means to be a child of a narcissistic parent. Each fortnightly episode is crammed full of honesty, humour and hope.
Why has the image of ‘the black sheep’ lasted so long? It is easier to identify that family member as the one who ‘doesn’t fit in’ or ‘doesn’t quite belong.’ Separation is the key. Other family members would rather let the black sheep get on with their own life than jeopardise their designated place in the flock. Having said that, it is possible to be an ally to the target child in the family. Some ways require little or no effort, while others take tremendous bravery and courage. The target child doesn’t make anyone choose. There are no ultimatums on the table. So, it is up to the ally to define their involvement. A shout out to all those who have chosen to be an ally. It takes someone special…someone with courage…to stand with the target child of the narcissist.
Sunday Aug 25, 2024
Sunday Aug 25, 2024
Join Erin and her guests, as they delve into what it means to be a child of a narcissistic parent. Each fortnightly episode is crammed full of honesty, humour and hope.
Trauma isn’t just what happened to us, but also what doesn’t happen to us, including missed opportunities, especially in childhood. There won’t always be triggers as reminders as so much of that trauma already lives within us.
Our bodies respond to trauma in many ways. Some are obvious, however, many become invaluable, built-in ways to keep us alert and keep us safe. These responses are not excuses, nor are they choices…most of the time. Rather than waiting for triggers, we must learn to listen to our bodies as they store, manifest, process and release the trauma that has become an undeniable part of who we are. We must be ready at all times. I’m ready!
I hold the key to my haunted fun house and there isn’t a clown in sight.
Sunday Aug 11, 2024
Sunday Aug 11, 2024
Join Erin and her guests, as they delve into what it means to be a child of a narcissistic parent. Each fortnightly episode is crammed full of honesty, humour and hope.
I am incredibly curious. How do some people manage not just to survive but to thrive? What tools do they have in their tool box? That is one HUGE philosophical question. When I take a peek into my tool box, I see the ones I have collected throughout my lifetime. Each tool comes with memories, emotions and names of those who helped me to collect them. I wouldn’t be here without them.
But, my tool box does not protect me from other options, other choices or other habits that may feel easier or quicker in the moment. At any point in my life, addictions could have replaced any or all of those tools. The struggle is real. How did I survive and thrive? I carry my tool box with me wherever I go. I am proud of the tools I have collected but I have plenty of room for more.
Sunday Jul 28, 2024
Sunday Jul 28, 2024
Join Erin and her guests, as they delve into what it means to be a child of a narcissistic parent. Each fortnightly episode is crammed full of honesty, humour and hope.
Hindsight can be a lovely thing…or not. When I look back on my journey, on the mountain I have climbed, the one that involved navigating relationships with narcissistic parents, I can SEE the same view but FEEL completely different emotions. The mountain I climbed hasn’t changed. I have. When I listen to other voices, I hear them say, “Well, you did that! You made that happen!
It’s all on you!” Some days, those words become fuel for my fire of doubt. But, on other days, those words become reminders of all I have achieved and all I have become. When I listen to my own voice, I hear myself ask, “Would I do it all again?” And, without hesitation, I answer, “YES!” What have I done? I have dared to live a life filled with honesty, humour and hope. That’s what I’ve done.
Sunday Jul 14, 2024
Sunday Jul 14, 2024
Join Erin and her guests, as they delve into what it means to be a child of a narcissistic parent. Each fortnightly episode is crammed full of honesty, humour and hope.
NO CONTACT must be one of the most complex topics, especially when referring to parental relationships. When I made the decision to go NO CONTACT, it was the first time in my life that I was telling my mother how things were going to be. I was the one dictating what our relationship would look like…non-existent.
That worked for me. But, did it work for her?
Well, the best way I can answer that is things got messy. It wasn’t just about the two of us. The decision would impact the entire family. I am still facing the consequences and counting the cost . . . but, my decision still stands.
Now, two episodes later, can you see why I say it isn’t for the faint of heart?
Sunday Jun 30, 2024
Sunday Jun 30, 2024
Join Erin and her guests, as they delve into what it means to be a child of a narcissistic parent. Each fortnightly episode is crammed full of honesty, humour and hope.
As the Queen of Analogies, I offer two more scenarios that relate to the experience of being a child of a narcissistic parent: sailing solo around the world and climbing Mount Everest. Unlike the trained sailor, I was ‘put’ in my boat to sail alone without any skills, instructor, compass or even oars for that matter. And, like the skilled climber, I was left to face so many elements, most of them out of my control.
Why those examples, you ask? It refers to my decision to go NO CONTACT. This episode isn’t about defining that term, but rather exploring what it means, uncovering its many layers and processing all that it uncovers. Everyone’s experience of NO CONTACT will look different. That’s okay. It is such a complex topic and a HUGE decision. Let’s sail this ship and climb this mountain together.
Sunday Jun 16, 2024
Sunday Jun 16, 2024
Join Erin and her guests, as they delve into what it means to be a child of a narcissistic parent. Each fortnightly episode is crammed full of honesty, humour and hope.
Why is it that, in the English language, there aren’t more words for grief, especially since there are so many different kinds?
As a child of a narcissist, I refer to the most difficult, confusing, inexplicable grief as missed moments. That grief stings the most because a) the other person is still alive b) the other person is cognitively aware of their actions and c) I had to watch my parent create memories with other people…three of whom were my siblings.
Knowing and accepting the fact that I was stuck with my narcissistic parent was my first real experience of grief…a grief I have carried with me all my life. How I wish there was a word big enough to describe and explain that type of grief.
Sunday Jun 02, 2024
Sunday Jun 02, 2024
Say It…I Dare You!
Join Erin and her guests, as they delve into what it means to be a child of a narcissistic parent. Each fortnightly episode is crammed full of honesty, humour and hope.
Cliches have a lot to answer for. Although they usually come from a good place and are well-intentioned, they aren’t often received in the same way.
When I tell someone that I no longer have a relationship with a family member, I brace myself and wait for them to say, “Life is too short.” I want to scream, “Too short for what?” but, instead I calmly reply, “It was a last resort. I have tried everything…absolutely everything.” Believe me.
Sunday May 19, 2024
Sunday May 19, 2024
Join Erin and her guests, as they delve into what it means to be a child of a narcissistic parent. Each fortnightly episode is crammed full of honesty, humour and hope.
One of the reasons I started a Book Club over 20 years ago is because I love the diversity of perceptions and opinions. I find it incredibly fascinating that six people can read the same book and yet it often feels as though we met different characters and read different plots.
And, just like that, four children lived in the same house, raised by the same parents and yet, somehow, my story reads so differently to theirs. My siblings didn’t write a different story for me…my narcissistic parents did. As a result, I often look at my siblings and want to ask, “Did we really grow up in the same house?”
Sunday May 05, 2024
Sunday May 05, 2024
Join Erin and her guests, as they delve into what it means to be a child of a narcissistic parent. Each fortnightly episode is crammed full of honesty, humour and hope.
Some days, I wonder if I should have called this podcast “Daughters Who Are Terrified”rather than “Daughters Who Dare.” The fear is real…often too real. As a child of narcissistic parents, I have had to learn ways to face, jump, ride, manage and survive the waves, whether that was in tiny, trickling ones or waves that knocked me off my feet. Although I can disguise, delay and deny the fear…it doesn’t go away.
Let’s stand and face the waves together.