Sunday Apr 21, 2024
Sunday Apr 21, 2024
Join Erin and her guests, as they delve into what it means to be a child of a narcissistic parent. Each fortnightly episode is crammed full of honesty, humour and hope.
There are many types of love language, but my favourite language is words of affirmation. Words matter, am I right? I appreciate the words, but, sometimes, I appreciate the underlying message even more. A simple baseball reference like,
“Three strikes…you’re out!” may seem silly and insignificant to others. But, in my case, I heard, “I see you. I hear you. I believe you. You are loved.” Those words of affirmation were life changing. I will never forget them.
I am a child of not one narcissistic parent, but three (hence the baseball reference). I may have struck out in the mother department, but I haven’t lost the game.
Sunday Apr 07, 2024
Sunday Apr 07, 2024
Join Erin and her guests, as they delve into what it means to be a child of a narcissistic parent. Each fortnightly episode is crammed full of honesty, humour and hope.
When I told others that I was raised by a narcissist, they would often reply, ‘Well, at least you had two parents. At least the other parent was there for you.”
How I wish that were true!
How I still wish that was true!
One of the toughest pills I had to swallow was accepting the fact that both parents were equally responsible for their actions and choices. One parent will always be the narcissist. The other parent will never have my back.A sad truth, yet my truth nonetheless.
Sunday Mar 24, 2024
Sunday Mar 24, 2024
Join Erin and her guests, as they delve into what it means to be a child of a narcissistic parent. Each fortnightly episode is crammed full of honesty, humour and hope.
How often do we take time to stop and reflect? It is not only important, but necessary to do just that. As the relationship between child and narcissistic parent lasts a lifetime (and beyond), those pauses can make all the difference. Every now and again, allow yourself the time.
Take a good look at who you are and just how far you have come. You did that! Be proud!
Sunday Mar 10, 2024
Sunday Mar 10, 2024
Join Erin and her guests, as they delve into what it means to be a child of a narcissistic parent. Each fortnightly episode is crammed full of honesty, humour and hope.
Forgiveness is hard to do, especially as the child of a narcissist. I was expected to forgive, yet the adult in the relationship could do whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted. It didn’t make sense. It wasn’t fair. So, I made the decision…a huge decision. I didn’t need to forgive them. Instead, I began to forgive myself.
Sunday Feb 25, 2024
Sunday Feb 25, 2024
Join Erin and her guests, as they delve into what it means to be a child of a narcissistic parent. Each fortnightly episode is crammed full of honesty, humour and hope.
I didn’t always use that word - narcissist. But, once I did, it stuck like a label on a pickle jar. For years, I would describe her in many words and give examples of her nasty behaviour and show the many scars I live with, but true clarity happened when I saw her for what she is. My eyes and ears were fully opened. Now, I can’t unsee it.
Sunday Feb 11, 2024
Sunday Feb 11, 2024
Join Erin and her guests, as they delve into what it means to be a child of a narcissistic parent. Each fortnightly episode is crammed full of honesty, humour and hope.
One of the favourite things a narcissistic parent does is try to make you think you’re crazy. It doesn’t stop there. They need to convince others too. So, keep your receipts. Holding onto the truth, no matter the format, enables you to preserve your sanity. It sounds dramatic, but those reminders can be game-changers. They are proof. You aren’t crazy. They are.
Sunday Jan 28, 2024
Sunday Jan 28, 2024
Join Erin and her guests, as they delve into what it means to be a child of a narcissistic parent. Each fortnightly episode is crammed full of honesty, humour and hope.
“Parents do their best.” I have heard that statement all of my life. I don’t agree. The truth is that some parents make good choices and make some mistakes, all with good intentions and a sincere heart. Other parents don’t.
Believing that statement, as a child of a narcissist, only made me full of blame, shame and guilt. It also relieved the parent of any responsibility or accountability because they were ‘doing their best’.
In this episode, I challenge that all too familiar phrase and set the story straight.
Sunday Jan 14, 2024
Sunday Jan 14, 2024
Join Erin and her guests, as they delve into what it means to be a child of a narcissistic parent. Each fortnightly episode is crammed full of honesty, humour and hope.
On my 1st birthday, I got my first doll baby. From that moment on, I wanted to be a Mom. I had it all planned out. I would get married and have four children and, as promised in all the fairy tales, live happily ever after. My role play looked nothing like real life. As I got older, the dream was mixed with fear. I wanted to be a mom, but not my mom. Could I separate the two?
Sunday Dec 31, 2023
Sunday Dec 31, 2023
Join Erin and her guests, as they delve into what it means to be a child of a narcissistic parent. Each fortnightly episode is crammed full of honesty, humour and hope.
In order to survive and thrive as a child of a narcissistic parent, you need to find tools and strategies that work for you. I wish I could hand out cliff notes or a cheat sheet that had all the answers. They don’t exist.
When you realise the truth, naming it and accepting it for what it is, you figure it out the best way you can. Our stories may be unique, but they share a common thread.
Sunday Dec 17, 2023
Sunday Dec 17, 2023
Join Erin and her guests, as they delve into what it means to be a child of a narcissistic parent. Each fortnightly episode is crammed full of honesty, humour and hope.
Growing up and dealing with a narcissistic parent can be challenging, exhausting and even soul-destroying. But, it doesn't have to hold you down or hold you back. When I was younger, I would have loved to find and connect with others who got it...who got me.
That acceptance, support and validation would have been life-changing. Although I didn't have it, I wanted to create it. Wherever you are in your journey, come and join us. We get it. We've got you.